Thursday, April 29, 2010

Recipe For America

I'm working on a new pillow cover for my Mom. Thus far, I've made her pillow covers for autumn, Christmas, and spring. I think this cover should carry her through the summer. (I guess it's better than dressing a concrete goose, right? bwa ha ha! I crack myself up!)

This cross stitch pattern comes from Pine Mountain Design, and it is called "Recipe for America". Here is what the finished project will say:

recipe for America
1 nation
under God
spread from sea
to shining sea
mix people from
far and near
serve with liberty

Isn't that sweet? I know Mom will appreciate it. Her parents were some of the people mixed into the American recipe. My German grandparents came to America to escape the Weimar Republic. The country had devalued the Deutchmark so badly that it took a wheel barrow of money to buy a loaf of bread. Doesn't sound that much different than what's happening around the globe today.

At the time, my grandparents, like all immigrants, had to be sponsored to come to America. They had to provide proof that they would have gainful employment here. They were basically indentured servants, working on a farm for more than seven years before they were "free" to pursue their own American dream. My grandmother was so proud when she took the test to become an official American citizen.

When you look at the history of our country and how immigrants were grafted into the American society, it really puts a new spin on the debate today.


Okay, Recessionistas, do I have your attention now?

I found a great blog called freebiegallery that showcases lovely needleart projects. Many of the patterns can be downloaded for free. FREE! If you've been out pricing patterns lately, you know what a deal this is! You can visit here:

I will also include a link for this site under my needleart category.

And speaking of needleart...have you subscribed to the Threadworx online journal yet? I recently received the spring edition, and it is lovely! So many pretty fibers and patterns! Click on the link at the right to become a subscriber today!

Don't forget to enter Monday's thread for a chance to win a FREE autographed novel from Joanna Campbell Slan!

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