Friday, August 3, 2012

Creativity in the Garden

I haven't been paper crafting much this week. My creative pursuit has taken me outdoors and in the garden. This must mean that:

1. Temperatures are cooler in the mornings and evenings, making it slightly more tolerable outdoors.

2. We've had a little rain...just a little, mind you. But enough to make a difference.

3. I'm starting to feel a little better now after three months of chronic Lyme disease. My symptoms haven't completely disappeared, but at least I have some energy again, and for that I'm thankful.

4. Due to the onset of Lyme back in late May, my garden had so many holes and gaps just waiting to be filled!

5. You can buy really nice plants at the garden center for dirt cheap this time of year!

Last month, a blog reader contacted me about a plant that was growing near my tricycle (I think we decided it was Celosia) from an October 2009 post. Ah, what a cool, wet summer that was! My garden looked spectacular then! What a difference a hot, dry summer can make.

I decided to add a lot of perennials in the hopes that they'll fill in next year. Lots of black-eyed Susans paired with Russian sage. Drought resistant? You bet. I picked a lot of plants that will look nice now, but will look even better as autumn approaches. Plants like asters and sedum and blanket flower.

I also transplanted two Spirea bushes, moving them from the front garden to the backyard garden. (More from that garden next time!). I now have two big holes to fill at the back of this garden. I think I'll pick up my favorite Annabelle Hydrangeas and add them to the mix.

Happy Friday, friends!


  1. WOW Maryrose, you have a gorgeous garden!!!. Congratulations!!!

  2. So pretty! What's the light-purple cornflower-looking plant above the photo of the Russian sage?

    Love your blog, by the way...
