Tuesday, January 7, 2014

In Everything, By Prayer

We woke up to subzero temperatures this morning, as did most of the country.

Thankfully, I had no where pressing to be today that would take me outdoors.

Thankfully, I drank my warm espresso in my kitchen while looking outside at the frosty world.

And thankfully, I said a prayer for my warm bed and my warm coffee, and I prayed for all of those who did not have either of those things during this bitter cold spell.

Can I be completely honest with you?

Gratitude does not come instinctively for me. And as long as I'm being honest here, prayer doesn't come all that easily for me, either.

It is not that I am not thankful for all of the little and big ways that the Lord provides for me and my family. Truly, I am. But I tend to take them for granted on a daily basis. I count on the sun to rise every morning, and for there to be fresh water at the sink to make my coffee, and for the heater to work properly to keep the house warm. Too often, I do not give a thought to them. But throw one little monkey wrench into the equation...

"What?! No milk for my coffee?"

It's the end of the world as we know it!

I try to pick one theme or word to meditate on each year. The theme for 2012 was "Fear Not". The word for 2011 was "Redeemed".

This year, God has given me two. Initially, I could not readily see a theme or connection. But the two kept leaping into my heart and mind in such obvious ways that couldn't be ignored.

"In everything, by prayer" and Jesus.

That was it.

More prayer, more Jesus.

And then I found the bible verse that made the connection so simple.

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which trancends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

There it is.

Want more Jesus? Pray more. Want more Jesus? Thanksgiving. Want the peace of God? Guard my heart and mind in Jesus.

"Fear Not" did not come easily for me, but oh, how I needed those words and trusted in them in a year of upheaval!

Prayer and thanksgiving will be my daily exercise this year. It will not come easily, but I will trust that this year it will be exactly what I need.


  1. Hey,
    I'm catching up on some long, long time reading on blogs I follow. I will pray for you. Just to invite you to The Unveiled Wife's FB January 30 day devotional Bible study. It's GREAT. Her daily videos are short and the group is very thoughtprovoking. You can get her devotional on Amazon. She has a great FB page and website too. I thought I would share.
    I'm glad you are warm through all this cold, frigid temps.
    Feathers in the Nest

  2. With that, you can't go wrong Mary Rose! :)

  3. With that, you can't go wrong Mary Rose! :)
