Thursday, May 1, 2014

Praying Circles, Praying Through

I LOVE a good God moment.

I had one of those this week. I have been participating in a Bible study with the women at our BIG church. "Daniel: Lives of Integrity, Words of Prophecy" by Beth Moore. This is my second time doing this study, this first time being back in 2006 when we were living in St. Louis. And to tell you the truth, it was much more impactful the first time around. But I continued to slog through the homework...until last week's lesson that practically leapt off the page and into my heart.

The lesson delved into Daniel's prayer life, and I had one of those "a ha!" moments, realizing why God brought me back to this study at this time. This is my year of "In All Things, Prayer", and I have been on quite a journey already. But this study has really opened my eyes.

And then, I read from my new favorite book, "The Circle Maker", by Mark Batterson, and guess who he discusses? Yep. Daniel.

A God thing. Totally.

I am learning so much about praying circles, praying through....praying through my calendar, praying circles around God's promises, praying for God's favor. Big, bold prayers.

I decided to add a few thoughts to my prayer journal. I am learning something about myself in this new art process. When I make a card, I am a freak out- full-on Mr. Monk OCD perfectionist. But when I am sketching and painting, I find that I like it better when I am letting go of perfection. Freedom. Process over end product.

When the page is dry, I will add my thoughts to God here. We've been having some great conversations over cups of tea. I talk, He listens. He talks, I listen. Amen.

Praying circles, praying through.

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