Thursday, August 4, 2016

Gettin' Stuff Done!

 Ah, carefree summer! The time when schedules get tossed aside for road trips, bike rides, trips to the pool, and car rides with puppies.

And then the calendar flips to August, you realize you only have two weeks left until school starts, and you are in a mad scramble suddenly to get stuff done.

I realized this week that I was not getting nearly enough accomplished in my days. That's when I pulled out my Simple Stories Carpe Diem planner and got to work.

I am one of those people that needs to write it down if I have any hope of getting jobs finished. If I don't make lists, my day seems to go something like this:
*coffee, coffee, coffee
*maybe throw in a load of laundry
*is it dinner time already?
*time for bed

Take, for example, a simple mundane task like fill the hummingbird feeder. I forgot for three days in a row, only to remember each night around bed time. When I finally wrote it in my planner, I actually got it done. Silly, I know. But that's how I roll.

I've always used the two-month calendar spread faithfully, but my daily pages are often neglected. Not anymore! Now I'm using them to make daily lists of the important things (register for school, make appointments, return library books), and the not so important things (hummingbird food, weed garden, fill the pool for Jemma).

I'm feeling a lot more productive now. I can feel a momentum picking up speed as we head back in to the school year. I'm making plans to alter my daily schedule and structure of life...all good and positive changes that need to take place. I'm so glad I have the planner to help motivate me!

Planners and coffee. The perfect motivational tools.

Blessings on your day, cafe friends!

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