Thursday, September 29, 2016

Mapping The Garden

Last spring, I made the smart decision to map out my garden. I wanted a record of what seeds I planted and where. This helped me immensely as the season progressed. I learned a lot about what seeds did well in certain locations, and what seeds would no grow in other locations.

For example. the corner of the yard that gets plenty of afternoon sun seemed to be the best location for seed planting. Cosmos, zinnias, and bachelor buttons did well. The delphinium did not grow from seed, the marigolds were too spindly, and a few of the hollyhocks did grow, but not to maturity.

The opposite corner of the yard gets mostly morning sun, and it was not a good spot for seed planting. The marigolds and nasturtiums only began to grow and bloom at the end of the season, and they were spotty at best.

I will have to come up with a better plan for this shadier spot under the evergreens. If anything will grow here, it will have to be larger established plants that can handle part sun and part shade. Maybe hostas and impatiens...if the dog will leave them alone!

Most of the seeds in the herb garden did best when planted in pots, although the dill did grow from seed. In the end, I did have to purchase some chives and rosemary plants from the garden center.

Now that the season is winding down, I will take some notes on the back of these garden maps and store them for next year.

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