Friday, September 28, 2018

Autumn Garden, One Year Later

Good morning!

I was hoping to show you photos of the new skylights today, but unfortunately the job is taking a little longer than anticipated. No worries! It should be wrapped up later today.

In the meantime, I thought I'd take you on a little Autumn Garden Tour!

My husband was in the yard, doing some pruning last weekend, when he made the observation:

"I can't believe how much better the yard and gardens look now. Too bad you don't have Before and After photos to show the difference."

I replied "Hon, it's me. OF COURSE I have Before and After photos!" ;)

One year ago, our front yard looked like this:

Overgrown barberry bushes, a few bedraggled boxwood, and a leaning tower of evergreen tree out front. And weeds. Did I mention the weeds? They were thick and about three or four feet tall when we moved in.

As a matter of fact, everything was so overgrown that you could barely make it to the front door without getting scratched in the process. My husband had to use hedge trimmers down the path, just to be able to move our furniture inside.

Last fall, we removed the overgrown bushes and leaning tower of tree. We planted new trees and bushes and plants. And one year later, everything is filling in nicely!

I had an idea to plant a butterfly garden in the front. Honestly, it got a little overgrown quickly. The zinnias grew taller than our Star Magnolia tree, the milkweed took over, and some things grew better than others. The butterflies loved it, and so did all the neighbors. But I think I will take a different approach next year.

The plantings at the foundation really too off. I think it gets just the right combination of morning to early afternoon sun with late afternoon shade. Our little dogwood tree grew at least a foot! I wish the boxwood at the back were a bit taller. I think we need some taller plantings at the back next year.

I didn't think this poor clematis was going to make it, but it did! And the craziest thing is that it started to bloom this month!

It was as if we went through a second spring in September! These urns used to have potted pansies. The pansies reseeded themselves below, and now the ground is covered in pansy blossoms. How fun! I tell you, Michigan has rich fertile soil. I love it!

I happened to stumble upon a great deal at Costco. They were selling four packs of mums for 13.99. They have really grown, too! I bought two of these four packs, and now I have colorful mums everywhere!

A happy welcome! I just need to get some pumpkins, and then I will be ready for fall!

Blessings on your Friday, cafe friends!

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