My mom and I had a conversation about roses this weekend. I was so excited to finally find a local greenhouse that carries David Austin's old English roses. I planted a bunch of new varieties this spring, and they are amazing!
Mom is slowing down in her gardening. She has two new titanium knees that make bending a lot more difficult. These days, she enjoys her container gardens and smaller beds that are more manageable. But she just doesn't have the patience for roses anymore. She's not a fan of the thorns, and she doesn't like all the pruning and fussing that roses require.
I reminded my mom of the quote from Abraham Lincoln: "We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses."
I may be a little partial to the rose, considering that it is my namesake. I, too, have a few thorns, and I'm sure that if you asked my husband, he'd tell you that I'm more than a little work, too. But on occasion, I bloom, too. Hopefully, the good Lord thinks I'm worth all the fuss.
These days, Knockout Roses are more prevalent in the garden centers. I call them cheater roses. Put them in the ground, water them, and forget them. No one has the patience to do the hard work that roses require. Have you ever smelled a Knockout rose? No? And do you know why? They have no smell. All the fragrance has been genetically modified right out of them. It seems that if you want a rose to smell like a rose, you have to work for it.
I have been guilty of planting "cheater roses" into my daily life. Dawdling on the computer, leaving the housework for another day, becoming lazy in my relationship with God and others. I am guilty of avoiding the hard work. I may talk about it, but the actual doing of it is another story. In short, I have lacked purpose.
This year, I am trying to become a little more disciplined in my daily life.
Participating in Bible study, not just talking about it.
Reading the Bible every day, not just relying on what I've read in the past to feed me.
Developing friendships with women.
Spending time in useful employment.
Connecting with my spouse and children.
Feeding my family healthy foods.
Being deliberate in planning and scheduling.
Setting aside time to be creative.
Reading the books that collect dust in piles all over my house.
Walking and biking and getting outdoors.
Carving out prayer time.
Sitting and observing.
Colossians 3:23 says "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not men."
I want to do the hard things. And I want to do them for the Lord.
I am going to continue to tend my garden. I will prune, and I will fuss, and I will water. And hopefully, I will bloom. I love these verses in 2 Corinthians 2:14-15:
"But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of him. For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those are are perishing."
This morning, I smelled the roses. And they are sweet.
{recipe: Hero Arts stamp, papers from Webster's Pages, Pure Luxury Kraft cardstock, Versafine sepia ink, prima flower, pearl, ribbon}
Pink: Gertrude Jeckyll, an amazing repeat bloomer.
Yellow: Graham Thomas, blooms have the strong fragrance of tea.
Peach: Carding Mill, a full cupped apricot blossom
Dear Maryrose, I read your blog yesterday about not blogging as much. I read today's blog and felt convicted to write. I LOVE your blog. It is refreshing and Christ filled and inspiring. I have thought this is a person that could be a good friend! I am POSITIVE you are reaping reward that you don't even see. Good job! And don't totally stop blogging, please! Veda
ReplyDeleteBeautiful card, beautiful sentiments (love the Lincoln quote), and gorgeous roses! Just beautiful! Have a blessed day!
ReplyDeleteSo beautiful! Really like Webster's Pages Thank you so much for your sharing!...Nancy :o)
ReplyDeleteJust another "anonymous" who wants to let you know that I love your spirit, your cards, and words. I love stopping off at the cafe to get a quick inspiration--not just creatively but spiritually. I am not post savvy so haven't posted before but I just want to let you know that you are beloved and your blog is wonderful!
ReplyDeleteI hope you can see that maybe your assessment was not totally accurate- your blog seems to be very fruitful for many. Cut back if you must but do not stop altogether please. Many including me are nutured by it. Love you- Tina