Have you ever had a whooping from the Lord? I first read about this in a book by christian author Patsy Clairmont when she talks about those times that God can give us a swift kick in the pants.
Yesterday, I got my whooping from the Lord. And can I just say this? I didn't like it. Not one bit.
You see, just the day before I had received four separate rejection letters in the mail That's right. FOUR! It was as if God was saying "No, no, no and by the way, if you didn't get it the first three times, then here's the fourth...NO!"
At first I laughed. Out loud! And then I sulked.
Sometimes when God closes a door, he'll open a window.
And then there are the other times when God closes a door, and he slams that door on your fingers so hard that you'll never go near that door again. (I read this funny quip in MAD magazine. Maybe I should be looking for other sources for my sound theology, but still...you don't see this one stitched on samplers, do you?)
So what's a sulky, pouty girl to do? Go shopping, of course. I went to my favorite shop, Always in Stitches. I just needed to see all the lovely fabrics and colors and patterns to get me out of my funk. I had a gift certificate from my birthday, and I vowed to spend it in full.
The clerk was ringing up my purchases when I saw the note at the register. An address for Shana, one of their employees who is battling cancer, for anyone who wanted to send her a card of encouragement.
Shana, who taught me punch needle. Shana, who greets me every time with a "Hi Hon! How are you doin'?" Shana, who has sons, just like me, in college.
I teared up, right there in the store in front of the clerk who doesn't know me from Adam.
Ouch. Yes, God, I'm listening. And yes God, I'm feeling it, right in my sore behind. It's time for me to care about others for a change, more than I care about myself.
I made this card to send to Shana, and I'll add her to my prayers. Would you say a prayer for Shana, too?
{recipe: Quilt Quips (SU), sentiment from Vases in Vogue (SU), October Afternoon papers, crushed curry card stock and polka ribbon, eyelet border punch, choc. chip ink, prisma markers}
"Blessed is the man you discipline, O LORD, the man you teach from your law." Psalm 94:12
So so cute!!
ReplyDeleteVery insightful Mary. You are loved xo