Wednesday, January 28, 2015

What Faith Journaling Taught Me In 2014

Last year, I added a really important element of faith journaling to my crafting time. It was a creative way to combine the things in my head with the things in my heart. I found that I could really pour my heart out in prayer, while at the same time letting my creativity flow. Writing, doodling, coloring, praying. It was a unique form of meditation.

The best part of faith journaling is that it provides a written record of the amazing ways that God worked in my life in those twelve months. I could look back and see so many prayers answered. The big ways, the little ways. God's yeses, God's nos, God's "not just yet"s. God's "soon"s. God's "piece of cake"s. God's "I've got this one covered"s.

I found that it is so important, not just to myself, but to my family. After all, what good is our testimony if we're not sharing it? I can look back at the pages and tell my kids...

"Remember when John did not have an internship when the school year ended, and then God provided one?"

"Remember when we didn't have a church home, and then God told us to travel a little farther, and we found one?"

"Remember how nervous you were about camp, and yet God made it a great experience for you?"

"Remember how sad we were when Shirley Ann broke her hip, and yet God brought her healing just as we'd prayed for?"

As my family prepares for a lot of changes in 2015, I can use my faith journal to say "Fear not! God's got this one covered!"

We have an unknown future. But today, we can trust it to a known God.


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