Thursday, October 19, 2017

Why I Love Church Directories

Let me tell you something I love about my new church.

Church directories.

I know that for many, this seems like an old fashioned relic of a different era. Now, the cool kids use Facebook and church member forums to interface.

They use words like interface, too.

But here's where the directory has a distinct advantage.

1.) For new members like us, it's an invaluable tool for putting names to faces.

2.) For someone completely new to an area, we can see who exactly lives in our neighborhood or nearby.

3.) When a church member needs a card of encouragement, I can go to the directory, find their photo and address, and send them something in the mail.

No texts. No tweets. No Face Book pokes.

Just snail mail, lovingly hand made and hand delivered by the United States Postal Service.

Sometimes, old school is just better.

And here's something else I love about our new church. They publish birthdays and anniversaries in the church bulletin.

I sent this card to a new friend at church who works alongside me in a tutoring ministry.

{Today's Brew: Songbirds stamps and dies (PTI), Simple Stories papers, PTI inks and card stock, rustic twine bow}

Tell me, do you like church directories, or do you prefer Facebook?


  1. I so agree with you! The gal who used to print our bulletin put birthdays in there, but the newest gal said it's too much to keep up with! We do have a monthly calendar that gets printed out with all the birthdays, so we do have that to refer to. We don't always think to look (even though it's on the fridge!) so it's nice to have it in the bulletin as well. Yes, to the directories! A few years back, someone had us write a short story about ourselves, so I took everyone's stories and placed in the directory behind their photo/info page. Ours is in a loose leaf binder, so we can add and remove pages.

    1. I love the idea about the short story, Sandy! I've been writing notes in my new directory to help me remember some of them.

  2. I agree! We have a church directory, too! I love sending unexpected birthday cards to our members. I loved having the directory to help me connect when we first moved here.

    1. The lady who received my unexpected birthday card really appreciated it, and I'm glad I remembered to send it!
