Thursday, September 20, 2018

Finding Your Passion

In the eleven (almost twelve!) years that I've been blogging, I have held a lot of side jobs.

I've worked in retail...twice!

I've worked in preschool education...twice!

I've been a merchandiser.

I've been a Stampin' Up demonstrator (but I don't even know if this one counts because I never made a dime at it! LOL!)

But through it all, there has been one constant. I love to write.

I have been a freelance writer, off and on, for nearly twenty-five years. If you've ever read some of my wordier posts here at the cafe, then you probably know that I love to write.

I took up writing again last fall after our move back to Michigan. I have to say, I love it! I work from home, with Jemma at my feet and a good coffee at hand. The best part? I get to meet some really interesting people and share their stories. People who are passionate about so many things...helping kids with autism, teaching children to read, making a great cup of coffee.

In the course of meeting new people, I will often hear the question "Do you have a business card?"

I realized that it was time to get legit with this writing business. I ordered these fun business cards from Vistaprint recently. Typewriter, because that's what I do. And orange because, hello! Pumpkin Spice!

You may have noticed the addition of the typewriter here on the cafe blog. If you click on the link to the right, you can read some of my recent stories. Make yourself a good latte and sit down for a read when you get a chance.

Thank you, cafe readers! You have inspired me throughout these twelve years! I hope I've shared a little inspiration along the way, too.

Blessings, cafe friends!


  1. You are blessed with a gift to communicate. I'm always excited to see a new post appear while cycling through my favorite blogs. The business card will serve you well and the design is very professional, Mary. Even retirees like me could benefit from having a card to leave with a new friend. BTW I enjoyed my first PSL this week. It was delicious, a free reward from SB.

    1. Yay! You got your PSL! It’s definitely a seasonal drink and not something I’d get every day. It tends to be sweeter than I need, so I ask for half the syrup. Thanks for your sweet words, friend!
