Saturday, May 22, 2021

Salsa Bowl, Garden Style


It happens every year. I get to the garden center with a list in hand, promising myself that I will only get the bare minimum of what I need. And then I see something I have to have that wasn't on my list. Lunchbox Red Snack Peppers! Cherry Husky Red Tomatoes! Lemon Boy tomatoes! I want that, too!

Bigger eyes than stomach, as the old saying goes.

I bring home my plants and quickly realize that I do not have an acre of land, but merely a little strip of a sunny spot along one side of my house. Sigh! What to do?

Put it in a pot, of course!

I had a leftover Jalapeño pepper, Roma tomato, cilantro and parsley. I planted them together in this pot and put it in a sunny spot on our deck. Normally, you are not supposed to plant peppers and tomatoes near each other, but I am going to make an exception and hope for the best.

Instant salsa bowl!

Jemma thinks it smells delicious!

Lip smacking yummy!

Blessings on your weekend, café friends!


  1. A salsa bowl sounds yummy! I did something crazy and planted basil and parsley in containers to place on my very sunny front porch. It's crazy for me to do that because I don't like to garden and when I have tried it, everything died. Even the mint. But we eat so much basil that I just have to try this year!

    1. Good plan! I bought 4 basil plants this year, and interspersed them in front of my vegetable garden. We love the basil, too! Sometimes, I pot a few of my go to herbs and keep them on the deck near the kitchen for quick and easy access.

  2. Every time I plant basil in a container the squirrels act as if they were invited for brunch. Great idea though.
