Monday, May 10, 2021

The Mystery of the Tulips


It has been a perfect spring for bulbs here in Michigan.

That's just another way to say "Dang, it's been cold this spring!"

Bulbs love the cool spring weather. Me? I'm ready for some warmer days. Forty five degrees on Mother's Day? Brrr!

As I mentioned in another post, I do not plant tulips. I have way too many deer that wander through our yard, and they cannot resist tulips. Daffodils? Hyacinths? Allium? No problem. But tulips? No way.

So why, you may ask, did I plant so many tulips in my garden this spring?

Here's the answer.

I didn't plant them. The squirrels and chipmunks did!

It was funny to see where a tulip would pop the middle of a rose bush, in a patch of herbs, hidden among some hostas. The squirrels dug them up from my neighbors' gardens and planted them in mine.

If a tulip grew close to my front door, they seemed to last a while. But if they were "planted" near the woods, they only lasted for a few days before the flower mysteriously disappeared.

I thanked my neighbors for their contribution to our garden this year. We all had a good laugh!

I started working on the Series A Stitching Cards from Bee in My Bonnet. These spring images are so cute! I think I have an idea on how to finish and display these when they are done. I'm going to try a long frame, and come up with a way to make these stitched squares removeable so that I can swap them out for the seasons.

Tulips! What a fun surprise blessing.

Hope your day is filled with surprise blessings, too!


  1. Those tulips are a welcome surprise. A fun pop of color when you least expect it! Looking forward to seeing how your framing idea works out.

  2. Hi Maryrose, That's funny about the squirrels planting your neighbor's tulips in YOUR yard! Thank you again for your sweet card I received recently (just in case you didn't see my message on the SS forum!)
