Monday, June 24, 2024

Home Grown


Summertime. The word has different associations for different people. For some, it means pool time. For others, it means camping adventures. But here in my little corner of the world, I associate summer with farm life.

There are so many beautiful farms in Michigan. I wish I could take photos of them all to share with you. Sheep farms. Dairy farms. Chickens and llamas and alpacas. Fields of summer wheat and soybeans. Lavender farms and sunflower farms. 

And the barns. Those beautiful barns!

Ed often takes photos of farms along his bike routes, and last week he showed me this:

He called it a goat playground! LOVE it!

Today's card is inspired by summer farm life. I used elements from Simple Stories Homegrown collection, and paired it with sentiments from MFT's Birdie Brown stamps.

What does summer look like for you?

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