Saturday, June 8, 2024

New Harmony at Night


New Harmony is a walking town. Because of it's compact size, everything is very accessible by foot. 

The Red Geranium restaurant was just next door to the New Harmony Inn.

We had a wonderful dinner, and then shared this fancy triple chocolate cake for dessert.

The town was so quiet that evening. Just the occasional bird and the sound of the 100 year cicadas. The air was perfumed with the scents from all the gardens.

We strolled through the streets like we owned them. Every public space was open and softly lit.

We heard a gurgling sound, which led us to this garden.

This hat on the park bench looked so real, but it was actually a piece of metal garden art.

The next morning, I was talking to a shop owner about his magical town that was even more magical at night. He told me that this is the town that time forgot. According to this gentlemen, no one locks their doors at night, and most folks probably leave their keys in their cars, too. 

Peaceful. So peaceful.

We sat on our balcony that evening, listening to the sounds of cicadas as bats swooped above the trees and fireflies twinkled.

New Harmony may have had two failed experiments in Utopian societies. But for anyone visiting, it does feel like a little slice of heaven.

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