Friday, June 21, 2024

VBS Bookmarks


It's the last day of VBS. Yay! We made it to the end of the week!

Today's lesson: Jesus and the two disciples on the road to Emmaus.

I had an idea for this bookmark, and was on the hunt for 1.) footprint stamps and 2.) maps.

It turns out maps are not that easy to find anymore. Everyone has one on their iPhone these days. Lucky for me, I found an atlas full of maps at Goodwill for $3. yay!

And the footprint stamps? Well, I knew I'd need more than one, and was so happy when I found these on sale at Joann's for $2.50 each!

Sam helped me print the sentiment "Walk with Jesus" onto some address labels.

A fun craft to wrap up our message to "Celebrate Jesus".

My craft room has gotten a lot of use the last few weeks, and boy does it show it. I will need to do a major clean up this weekend!

Happy Friday, café friends!

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