Saturday, December 21, 2024

Hot Cocoa Bar Day


Every year, on the Saturday before Christmas, my husband and I put out a Hot Cocoa and Coffee Bar for all the employees at his store.

I made a special crockpot hot cocoa, and then we also have plenty of hot cocoa and flavored coffee KCups.

And did I mention cookies?

Lots and lots of cookies!  Yesterday, I made about nine dozen cookies. Cranberry with white chocolate drizzle, chocolate toffee shortbread bars, thumbprint cookies with raspberry and lemon curd filling. And of course, a few frosted cookies and goodies from Aldi.

Spreading lots of holiday cheer.

And look! Even the Grinch approves!

Blessings on your weekend, café friends!

1 comment:

  1. Oh yum....can I work at your husband's store?!? The employees appreciate and look forward to this, I'm sure. And to have homemade cookies on top of that, too!
    The Saturday before Christmas is a huge shopping day and the employees probably enjoy this extra-special break. My husband works in IT for a retailer and had to keep checking in yesterday to make sure systems were running ok. He didn't get a hot cocoa and cookies bar, but I did make his favorite pizza lol.
