Sunday, March 2, 2025

Changes in the Kitchen


It seems like every day, I can find an article that highlights how a certain product or ingredient is killing us. Red dye. Natural flavors. Seed oils. 

The news on plastics and forever chemicals that are now a part of our bloodstream? It's pretty sad.

Years ago, I got rid of all the plastic food storage and swapped to glass. But I hadn't gotten around to getting rid of all the plastic cooking utensils until this week. I threw out all the old spatulas and turners and spoons and ladles and replaced them with silicone and BPA-free utensils and wooden spoons.

Next up, the pots and pans. The news about the PFAS in non-stick cookware is not good, either. So after doing a little research, I went with a 16 piece set of ceramic pots and pans from GreenPan. We had our old set of pots and pans for a LONG time...nearly 20 years. I'm hoping these last a long time, too. At least it's a healthier option.

The aqua color is happy, too. It's a nice addition to all of the other red items in my kitchen.

It's so hard to stay on top of the scientific studies and advice from medical professionals. But hopefully, small steps and everyday efforts to make life a little healthier will pay off in the long run.

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