Thursday, August 13, 2009


The first day of Kindergarten came and went without a hitch this week(except for the fact that my camera would not work...grrr! Luke took these photos on his cell phone). Sam looked confident and ready as he strode into his classroom with nary a backward glance. Mom? Not as confident as Sam!

I think I'm in a funk this week. I went to the Kindergarten parents meeting with my husband on Tuesday night, and I had a small panic attack. PTOs, fundraisers, homework, aaack! I was nearly done with that stage of my life. One son done with public school, another son done in two years, and now here I am, starting all over again. I'm trying to be excited for Sam's sake...field trips, volunteer opportunities, what fun! But a little part of me is looking at this K-12 stretch and wondering if I still have the energy for it.

If I'm being truly honest with myself, my funk probably has more to do with another big milestone in our family... son number one going away to college next week. My life is in such a state of flux right now, and here I am, plopped into a town where I don't have a single friend to commisserate with over a cup of coffee. sigh.

Yesterday, Tara (one of the wise and godly women from St. John's in Missouri) gave me a wonderful piece of scripture to mull over.

"He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." Philippians 1:6

This motherhood journey is definitely my good work, and I'm praying that God gives me the strength to continue working in the days ahead.

Wow. I really miss those wise and godly women from my Missouri church home!

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