Monday, August 27, 2018

Our Bob Ross Summer

It's been a Bob Ross Summer here at the cottage. I've been dabbling in watercolor, and Sam finally broke out his Bob Ross painting kit.

Fun fact: Did you know that Bob Ross was a Ball State University alumni? That's where his shows were filmed, too! My oldest son, Luke, is a Ball State alumni, too!

Bob makes it look so easy on his videos, doesn't he? Happy trees and fluffy white clouds!

Sam is making great progress. Stay tuned! I will show you the masterpiece when it is finished!

In the meantime, here are a few flowers I worked on this summer!

I'm anxious to see what colors I can capture this autumn, too.

Sam is brave to put something on a canvas. It feels a lot more permanent than paper somehow. Maybe I will get brave and attempt that at some point in the future.

Blessings on your Monday, cafe friends!

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