Friday, August 2, 2019

Knockout Carpet Roses

I am a self-confessed rose snob.

For years, I turned my nose up at the trendy Knockout brand roses. Sure, they were fine for commercial landscaping. But in my garden? No way. I wanted big cabbage roses, old-fashioned English roses from David Austen that smelled divine.

And I do still love those roses. If I had a large sunny spot, I would fill a garden with them.

But I don't. Instead, I have some small landscaped beds where all the plants have to get along. I wanted all-year color and interest in the garden. So I succumbed.

And I am happy I did. These Peach Drift Knockout carpet roses have been so sweet. Constant color! And you know what? They have a sweet fragrance, too.

Can a rose be unpretentious and unassuming? If so, then this one fits the bill.

Folks will tell you that there's no need to deadhead these roses. But I have found that if I do, I will get a lot longer blooming time. It is not a quick job, but on a cool summer morning, I find it to be relaxing...pruning while the bees hum and the birds chirp and all is right with the world.

Blessings on your Friday, cafe friends!


  1. Thanks for sharing. I'm a rose grower (30 tea/David Austin and a few floribunda) but anticipate moving in the future to a smaller place with limited garden. This may sooth my pruning needs! (grin)
