Thursday, March 12, 2020

Be Prepared!

It's all over the news, and all we seem to be talking about these days. Coronavirus and influenza have doubled up to make it one heck of a nasty sickness season.

This week, two confirmed cases of Coronavirus were announced in neighboring counties in Michigan, which put the whole state into emergency mode. I couldn't believe it when I went to Walmart and saw that the shelves for disinfectant and toilet paper were almost totally bare!

Sadly, but understandably, the local nursing homes are now closed to visitors and non-essential personnel. Local colleges on spring break are telling students not to return until some time in mid April, while other schools are considering online school alternatives.

It's a good idea to be prepared, in a sensible way, for emergencies. I'm not about to start hoarding hand sanitizers and wipes, but I do usually have a supply on hand. I am a fanatic about hand washing. When we come in from any trips out in public, I always tell my family "Go wash your hands!" My husband returned from a flight last night, and I sent him to wash while I sanitized his suitcase.

I do like to keep a well stocked pantry at all times. I always have canned soups on hand, but also lots of broth, canned vegetables, beans, rice and noodles on hand for making soups and other dinners.

I find that a well-stocked pantry always gives me options for dinners, too. It just makes life easier every day, but especially in an emergency. If we had to quarantine our family, we would be set.

I will be happy when this season passes and we are on to warm weather and more time outdoors. In the meantime, I am taking a little extra off frequently touched surfaces like light switches, door knobs, cell phones and tablets and keyboards, counter tops and bathrooms, car steering wheels and interiors. It's probably a good idea to avoid large crowds now, too. We don't have any concrete plans for spring break this year, which is probably a good thing.

I am eating my vitamin C, taking Airborne every day, drinking lots of water...but I do this every day.

Stay healthy, cafe friends!

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