Friday, March 13, 2020

Something and Someone Beautiful

When things in the world try to steal our peace, it is good to look for something beautiful. The bright red male cardinal at my bird feeder. The sun shining through the skylights. A steaming hot latte.

I needed to make something beautiful today. And it just so happens that I got a delivery of this turnabout stamp and die set from Concord and 9th called Flower Patch!

{Today's Brew: Flower Patch stamps and dies (C and 9th), Distress Oxide inks, rose gold metallic thread (SU)}

My beautiful sister, Tina, had a birthday yesterday. I'm not sure when we will get to properly celebrate it with her. Hopefully soon! I love you, Tina! In the meantime, I may have to send this one in the mail.

I've been listening to some beautiful hymns lately, too. If you have Spotify, look up Nathan Drake or Reawaken Hymns. Acoustic arrangements of the classics. Lovely!

"Finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things."  Philippians 4:8

Peace to you, cafe friends!


  1. Very true! It’s easy to get discouraged right now. Hopefully some of the closures will level things off. Beautiful card! I love the floral shaped die cut. I think I have a die cut in a similar shape, so I may case this card! Thank you for the inspiration.

  2. Thank you for the inspiration today, especially the verse from Philippians.
