Sunday, March 15, 2020

Thirty! And A Card To Celebrate!

My eldest turns thirty today.


For a while now, I've been telling people about Luke turning thirty and saying "But I don't know how that's possible, because I'm only 35 myself!" Actually, I am those numbers reversed. But in my head, 35 was not that long ago.

I needed a special card for this special occasion!

Recently, I got the stamp and die set "Notable Numbers" from Concord and 9th. Sometimes, an occasion calls for big numbers! A birthday, an anniversary, an addition to a family, a retirement. And these numbers were so pretty and extra fancy that I couldn't pass them up.

{Today's Brew: Concord and 9th Notable Numbers stamps and dies, C and 9th Balloons and dies, PTI inks/card stock/paper, SU silver metallic thread}

I know we are all supposed to be "social distancing" right now. (Don't you love how we invent words and terms in the English language at warp speed now?) And trust me, other than a crazy trip to the grocery store on Thursday evening, we are keeping to ourselves as much as possible.

But when your son turns 30 and you have the chance to celebrate that with him, you take it.

We were in Luke's end of town last night, so we took him to a local/not busy Mexican restaurant for dinner. We may have casually mentioned that it was his birthday. And yes, with that young face he still gets carded whenever he orders a beer. But when the crew came out with sombrero and song, we were all surprised! I think it made Luke's night! Good times!

A Corona, because...well, you get it.

Happy Birthday, our Luke! May the dear Lord bless you!


  1. That looks like such a fun time! Happy birthday to your son! Your photos are making me crave Mexican food at a local place near us, but we don't have a reason to go out so it'll have to wait. I can't decide if I'm being a good citizen concerned for the welfare of others, or an introverted homebody looking for a reason to stay home some more!

  2. Love those Notable numbers stamps & dies! Isn't it unreal when your children reach those milestones!? Our youngest turns 41 in April, and our oldest will be 45 in May!

    1. It surely is unreal! Where does the time go?

  3. Happy 30th Luke! Glad you could celebrate it so happily, Corona and all!! I mourn museums and bookstores being closed in our area. Our oldest turned 44 yesterday (think how old that makes me?!!)

    1. Wow! Another birthday to celebrate! Wonderful! I am sad about the libraries being closed, too. But I have plenty of books, so no excuses.

  4. That's a great masculine card, and happy birthday to Luke!
