Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Peace and Stitching

I had no idea when I started this project at the beginning of February that I would need this message of peace so desperately. I finished the stitching this week, but need to complete the project. Hoping to do that tomorrow.

It is almost surreal how the events unfold day by day, isn't it?

We are hunkering down for the time, working from home. In some ways, it feels like an extended snow day. I cook, I bake, we play board games.

Yesterday, I ventured to the small local grocery store, but not before checking with my elderly neighbors and church family to see if they needed any supplies. During uncertain times like these, it is a wonderful chance to serve our neighbors and share the love of Christ.

I have no shortage of things to distract me. It helps to turn off the news and stop checking the constant feeds on my ipad.

I find that walks in the sunshine are a good antidote to anxiety. And if you can wear a jaunty scarf and bring a smile to your neighbors, that's a blessing, too.

I have a lot of fun things that I plan on doing during this time of self-imposed isolation and social distancing. Many of these will be things that you can try at home, too. Make sure to stop back to the cafe!

In the meantime, pray and pray some more. Pray for our world leaders, for health care professionals, for our governors and schools, for our doctors and nurses and medical personnel, for the sick and the lonely.

Peace, cafe friends!

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