Friday, March 20, 2020

Laughs and Love

Here it is. Our chalkboard scripture verse for the week.

Sometimes, a good laugh can put it all in perspective!

I am really proud of our little community and our neighborhood. We are organizing I Spy walks for kids, where residents post certain pictures in their windows on certain days, and the kids have to find them like a scavenger hunt. Isn't that sweet?

We have also begun to collect rolls of toilet paper at certain drop off houses, that will then be distributed at our social services office for those in need. It's a small thing to do, but it helps. Through Facebook and, we are reaching out and helping each other in ways big and small... collecting snack foods and easy meals for the kids who are home from school and no longer receiving school lunches, checking on our elderly, sending cards to the local nursing homes. So many ways to help brighten someone's day.

Last night, the local internet went down around 5 o'clock. Aaack! What to do! No television, no YouTube, no Facebook, no news feeds. We were practically Amish! LOL! Sam played the piano and his ukulele, I read a good book and started a stitching project, and Ed played with the dog while trying to get status updates.

Isn't it a wonderful time to have hobbies?

Blessings on your weekend, cafe friends!

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