Thursday, March 26, 2020

COVID-19 Plan: Stay Connected

It is so important to stay connected to friends and family during these strange and difficult days. Cards, text messages, telephone calls. Even talking to neighbors on the sidewalk...from a safe distance.

Yesterday, I was able to meet with the sweet ladies from our church bible study, thanks to Zoom. It was so heart-warming to see their smiling faces again! When we used the gallery mode feature on Zoom, I told them we looked like a combination of the Brady Bunch intro and Hollywood Squares! LOL! We shared our struggles and prayer concerns, and worked on a lesson that seemed so appropriate for the days we currently find ourselves in.

One verse really spoke to us: "Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer." Romans 12:12

A much needed reminder.

Blessings, cafe friends!

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