Wednesday, March 25, 2020

COVID-19 Plan: Stitching

Okay, cafe friends. How are you all holding up under this pandemic? Are you working from home? Under self-quarantine? Under a state-mandated Shelter in Place order?

Do you have plenty of food...and toilet paper? Are you getting outdoors and walking whenever possible?

Here in Michigan, we are now in Stay in Place mode, and school closures have extended until April 13 (but many of us are doubtful that school will resume for the duration of the 2019-2020 year). My husband and adult sons now have special "essential" travel status for their work, which allows them to continue doing what needs to be done.

Me? I am perfectly content working from home! I do a little writing, a little crafting, a lot of cooking, a little house cleaning. It's business as usual for me.

I began a new stitching project this week. I love to stitch while listening to sermons and podcasts and hymns. It's such a nice, meditative practice. Some people feel that way about knitting or crochet, too.

I purchased this kit from Designer's Desk in Geneva, Illinois. At the time, I was living in nearby Batavia and the shop was going out of business, as the owner had decided to retire. Over the course of many weeks, the bargains just kept getting better and better, and I think I bought the entire contents of the store. LOL! It just felt like it at the time. But seriously, I have enough kits and patterns to keep me occupied for many years to come.

That reminds me. We were packing up our loved one's apartment this weekend, and had to stop at Aldi to pick up boxes. Every box said "BATAVIA, IL" on it, as that is the U.S. headquarters for Aldi. I told my husband how thankful I was that we were not living in Batavia during this crazy time in our lives, but back home in Michigan, close to our families and better able to care for them and for each other. It will be three years this June since we made the decision to move, and looking back, we can see the wisdom of that decision every day.

I love the name of this pattern from Shepherd's Bush. Fear Not. I don't know about you, but I need that message right about now. As the world seems so uncertain and the job market is so volatile, I have to remember this.

1 John 4:18 says "There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear."

There is only one who loves perfectly, and that is Jesus. I don't need to be afraid when I put my trust in him.

Blessings, cafe friends!

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like you're approaching this time well with a variety of things to do. I found several cross stitch and needlepoint kits purchased on sales when we moved and began one last week. I hope Sam is okay with home schooling. It must be harder for them missing activities and friends.
