Monday, April 6, 2020

COVID-19 Plan: On Furloughs and Faithfulness

Today marks the first official day of my husband's two month furlough from his employer.

When we got the news about a week ago, we actually felt relief. We were worried that the company was getting ready to let many of their employees go. Instead, we will have two months with no salary, but the company will continue to pay health insurance benefits and year end bonuses. We have money in the savings, food in the pantry, a roof over our heads. We have our health, which is huge right now.

There are so many who have it so much worse. We are forever thankful to our faithful God, who cares for us at every turn.

I wanted to record this faithfulness today as we put our trust in the Lord once again. I turned to this verse from Lamentations:

"The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases, his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness." Lamentations 3:22-23

I used the stamp set "New Every Morning" from Papertrey Ink, and paired it with the stamps from Shine to make a morning sunrise. The hills are an MFT stencil.

I am so thankful that this quarantine and furlough are happening now, in the spring, and not in the middle of winter. My husband is able to bike every day (a great stress reliever!), we take dog walks, we grill out on the deck and work in the yard. The sun is shining, the flowers are blooming. All is well.

We don't know what the future will hold. Will my husband be hired back in at the end of this? That is anybody's guess right now. Could our salaries change? Could our jobs change? Will we have to downsize and move? Anything is possible. To all of this, I say the ancient prayer:

Kyrie Eleison! Christ have mercy!

His mercies are new every morning.

Blessings, cafe friends!


  1. Hearing the reality of his furlough must have been a relief. Uncertainty is hard to endure. You are blessed with much and your post is a blessing to me. Perfect Bible journaling text and lovely workmanship. Blessings to you all
