Thursday, May 23, 2024

Seaside Post


So, how's my Year of Plenty going? My year where I remind myself that I have plenty and don't need to add anything? Not perfectly. But as I tell my husband, Rome wasn't built in a day. LOL

Case in point:

Last month, I saw on a FB post (see, this is where it starts!) that someone was selling a kit from Concord and 9th that I'd never seen before called Seaside Postal. I was really interested in the postal dies, but it also came with a full stamp and stencil set. A great price. And because I have a hard time passing up a bargain, I got it.

Imagine my surprise when just this week, Concord and 9th decided to release this bundle from one of their class events. Yay! Now I can see ideas from other crafters who have this set.

I got a chance to play yesterday, and it was fun! I don't think I have any lighthouse images, and considering I live in a state with the biggest coastline and tons of lighthouses, it's probably a good idea. I paired this with a sentiment from PTI called Phrases and Praises.

{Today's Brew: Seaside Postal kit (Concord and 9th), Phrases and Praises (PTI), CP inks}

This is a great card for men and women, and I know it will probably go to someone from my church family.

I don't know how much this kit costs at the C and 9th store, but I do know that it is available later today. Check it out!

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