Friday, May 24, 2024

Finders Keepers 2024


Finders Keepers Vintage Market is an organized arts and crafts show that pops up several times a year in several locations. And each time I would see it advertised, I would say to myself "I want to go!" It always looked like the kind of event that I would frequent with my sister, Tina.

Last Sunday, one of my church friends, who is a kindred spirit, said "Let's go!" And so we did!

I grabbed a Brown Sugar Caramel Latte from my favorite café, and we set off to explore the many vendors.

So many vendors came in their cute campers!

Lots of vendors were set up outside.

Others had booths inside the many barns of the fairgrounds.

I managed to talk myself out of lots of pretty things.

But in the end, I felt compelled to bring this little lamb with succulent home.

I'm marking my calendar for the next shows this fall!

1 comment:

  1. That place looks like a dream! The prints of the mushrooms on text totally grabbed me. Those would have come home with me! What an absolutely fun way to spend an afternoon.
