Thursday, December 27, 2018

A Christmas Recap

Christmas 2018 began with Jemma's 3rd birthday!

And in the midst of all the present buying and wrapping and house cleaning, there was also the menu planning and the shopping and the baking and cooking!

Here was the only present I asked for that I actually received this Christmas. It smells divine.

On Boxing Day, I made the family this raspberry danish. It was so easy and soooo good.

Recipe can be found here:

After a trip to the Apple store for a new phone battery (I'm pretty sure the apple store is one of Dante's levels of hell that he left out of Inferno), and a trip to the mall for returns (see candle for only present I!), I came home with a bad Christmas hangover. Not the alcohol-induced hangover. Just one of those hangovers that has you looking back at all the work and all the hustle and all the bustle and wondering if anyone even gives a crap as to how many hours of your life you gave to making Christmas happen for everyone else.

I cured the hangover the only way I know how. I went down to the craft room with a latte and spent a few hours cleaning and sorting and organizing. Merry Christmas to me!

Hope your Christmas was blessed!

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