Saturday, May 4, 2019

Mulch Party

I sent the text out to all of our sons.

"Hey, we're having a mulch party this weekend, and you're invited!"

Sadly, the only one who came to the party was Sam, and that's because he knew he'd get paid for it.

Ten cubic yards of mulch. We measured and came up with this number. And we were spot on, too.

Before I let my husband shovel and dump, I went around the garden and put a few mini stakes in the ground to show where perennials were just coming up. I didn't want to bury the poor things!

Mulching is such a back breaking job, but so worth it. And when you do it yourself, you can be persnickety. I did all the weeding first, and removed all the bits of dead leaves and twigs. This will really help it stay pretty throughout the season.

Sam cut the grass, and it looks so lush and green thanks to all of the rain!

And look! New grass is growing, too! Yay!

Our dogwood and magnolia are just beginning to bloom.

We had a neighbor stop their car as they were driving by, just to tell us how much they love all the flowers and how pretty they think the yard and garden looks. That was so sweet! It really made my day!

Thanks for visiting the cafe today!

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