Friday, July 12, 2019


We were staying at a hotel last week while helping my in-laws with some yard work. It was a fast overnight trip, and we were planning on working on the mulch project the next day. I had saved a bottled water, and it was sitting on the table before I went to bed. But when I woke up, this note was in its place.

"Sorry for stealing your water at 10:41PM. I was a thirsty boy." -Sam

It made me laugh.

I added the message below.

"Your sins are forgiven.- Jesus"

I meant to make Sam smile, and I did. But here's the thing. We need to talk more with this next generation about sin and what to do with it.

There's an alarming increase in depression and anxiety among our youth, and an even greater increase in suicide among all ages. A thirty percent increase in the last decade.

How can this be? In a culture that is so hyper-focused on tolerance, acceptance, openness, and self-affirming identity, wouldn't you think that everyone is feeling better about themselves? The world tells us we're fine, we're awesome. You just be you, the world says.

But here's the problem. Deep down inside, we know we are not fine. We are not awesome. Me being me doesn't look like happiness. Me being me looks like a pattern of selfishness and deceit, selfish thoughts and selfish desires.

My nature is not perfect. My nature is sinful, and it is broken.

The world and the culture can tell me that I'm wonderful, but I know that it's a lie.

So where do I take this selfish, broken nature? If nobody tells me what to do with it, I will despair.

The author Pastor A. Trevor Sutton describes it this way. Imagine that someone has developed a sure and certain cure for cancer that works every time. But instead of prescribing this cure, we pass out a placebo.

"God has offered a cure for sin and death. This cure is powerful and efficacious through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus_ but only through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. This Gospel, delivered through God's Word, is the only cure. It is wrong to pretend that a placebo religion will function in the same way as the real and authentic Good News of Jesus. Although the world may see this as scandalous, the followers of Jesus do not waver from the truth that the only true cure is Christ Jesus-because God has said His Son is the only cure. But this cure is for all people."  ("Clearly Christian: Following Jesus in this Age of Confusion")

Truth: I have the cancer of sin. But I also know where to go for the cure. I am forgiven. And I'm called to tell others about this amazing Good News.

Just some thoughts that have been percolating in my caffeine-riddled brain this week.

Blessings on your Friday, cafe friends!


  1. Wonderful, thought-provoking words. I recently saw a quote by R.C. Sproul...."We can hate the sin and love the sinner, but God still sends both to hell." That's enough to make us share the Gospel.

    1. Indeed it is, LeAnne. A good reminder!Thank you!
