Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Autumn Adornments

I took care of Thanksgiving dinner yesterday. I ordered it from Bob Evans. 😊 We are a family that now has two people who work on Black Friday (and one of them works on Thanksgiving, too), and I have to come up with ways to simplify. I have to admit that I really do not enjoy making that meal by myself. It would be one thing if I had help, but I live with men, so...

Here's a Thanksgiving card that uses Autumn Adornments from Papertrey Ink.  Nancy Penir at the Artful Notions blog always made fabulous projects with this set. When I found it used this year I was so excited!

{Today's Brew: Autumn Adornments stamps (PTI), leaf die from PTI Songbirds, PTI inks and card stock, SU chevron ribbon, button twine}

What's your plan for Thanksgiving this year? And can you believe that it's next week already?!


  1. What a great find! I love the soft colors and that SU ribbon?...well, let's just say I wish I had gotten some of it! Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Beautiful card! I used every bit of the chevron ribbon myself - loved it. I'm cooking Thanksgiving dinner for the first time, for 13 of us. I'm starting 4 days prior and then my sister-in-law will help me finish on the day itself when she arrives at our home. I'm pretty excited to take on this challenge!

  3. What a pretty card with your soft ribbon and leaf embellishment complimenting the delicate leaf spray! Our family is so small and with only one person enjoying turkey I think it will be a extravaganza of sides!

    1. Your card is lovely. I have that set, but I haven't used it yet. You've inspired me.
