Tuesday, March 31, 2020

COVID-19 Plan: When You Miss Family

I was really missing family the other night. Sure, we text. But I really miss the face to face interaction over a cup of coffee or a good meal.

I did the next best thing. I poured a glass of wine and called a sister. And it was great to spend time catching up, commiserating, and laughing.

I'm going to send some cards this week. And this one says it all!

I just love these interactive cards from Concord and 9th! Easy peasy.

{Today's Brew: Type Talk stamps and dies (Concord and 9th), Woodgrain background stamp (Concord and 9th), coffee cup from Concord and 9th coffee turnabout stamps, COPIC markers, PTI ink and card stock}

Hey, friends! I finally got an Instagram account. You can find me either under Mary Rose Kulczak or maryrosescafe. I would love to have you follow me there!

Blessings, cafe friends!

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