Tuesday, March 3, 2020

The Sugar Detox

I've been on a self-imposed sugar detox since the new year began. And boy, was it necessary!

I think it all began last fall, when all the delicious flavors of autumn started appearing. Pumpkin Spice Lattes, orchard donuts, apple fritters. And then that segued into Thanksgiving eating. And then that lead to Christmas cookies and candies.

Sugar, sugar, sugar.

I could not get enough of it.

The more I ate, the more I wanted. And the more I ate, the hungrier I was.

As I've said before, there are certain areas of my life where "all things in moderation" just will not apply.

My favorite Sesame Street character? Cookie Monster. That's me!

Not just one cookie. ALL the cookies.

Research indicates that sugar has the same effect on the brain as many highly addictive drugs. It floods the brain with dopamine, causing feelings of happiness and pleasure that are short-lived. In other words, it spikes us up quickly, and then lets us down just as quickly. The same can be said for all the white flour foods, like pasta and bread. It's glucose, another fancy term for sugar.

My body has a hard time processing sugars, even the artificial ones. Stevia, maltodextrose, raw sugar. So called "natural sugars" like honey or agave. It doesn't matter. I will bloat and cramp, and my belly will hold on to the fat in that spot no matter what. I tried the "Trim Healthy Mama" way a few years back, with all kinds of fake sugars. Not for me.

So now here I am, over two months have passed, and I am starting to feel much better. I no longer have the bloated belly. I no longer have the 3:00 afternoon cookie cravings. No brain fog, no joint pain.

It is nearly impossible to eliminate sugar from the diet, as it's in everything. Spaghetti sauce, ketchup, canned soups, lattes. But I can read a lot of labels, and if sugar is one of the first five ingredients listed, I can pass.

I still love my fruit, and I eat it in moderation. Two or three servings a day. But I've added in more almond butter with an apple, or spread of Dave's Killer Sprouted bread. And occasionally, a small square of really dark chocolate will help me if I feel the need for a treat.

I watch what I eat, I exercise every day, and I'm feeling a little healthier. No major life goals achieved. No resolutions. Just trying things a little differently and hoping for the best.


  1. It's interesting to read how sugar affects your body. I can see similarities with my own. I have to agree that the more sugary foods I eat, the more I want.

    1. Yep, it's a vicious cycle! My husband seems to handle sugars just fine, though. Not me!

  2. Interesting! I have wanted to do this for a long time. I definitely feel the awful bloat at the end of my workday. I would love a part 2 with some specific changes you have made. As always thank you! Your blog is definitely one of my favorites! 😊

    1. I will work on that Part Two next week, Chris!
