Friday, January 22, 2021

Good Works and Our Neighbor


Our neighbor, Bob, has been out of commission for the last few months. I knew that he'd injured his back, and we missed seeing him on the daily dog walks. Their yellow lab, Gracie, is one of Jemma's best friends. Bob and LeAnn have become dear to us, as have many of our neighbors in this small town.

I finally ran in to his wife, LeAnn this week. She told me that Bob had just had surgery, was in the hospital, and was coming home in a few days.

So this week, I made a big pot of Lemon Chicken Orzo soup and a few dozen snickerdoodle cookies. I also made this card to tell Bob we are praying for him, and hoping that he will be back to full health by springtime. I sent LeAnn a quick text and then stopped by to drop it off. Masks on, standing outside at the front porch. Just a brief "Hello!" and a quick recap with Bob, who was looking well, praise the Lord!

So why do I share these stories with you? Is it to give myself a pat on the back and a "You go, girl!"?

Nope. It's to show you that if this harried, hurried, busy, broken, caffeinated fifty-something year old woman can reach out and serve others, then you can, too! Will we serve perfectly? No. But we can DO SOMETHING for OTHERS every day, if we look for opportunities. Even if it's as simple as soup.

The other night, I saw Mike Rowe from Dirty Jobs on television. He was talking about how we can all go about healing this divided country, and he said something really profound.

"Ask not what you can do for your country. Ask what you can do for your neighbor!" Yes! Our neighbor next door (or maybe next to us on the couch!). Our neighbor at church. At the coffee shop. At the Walmart. At the nursing home.

Our neighbor who may or may not share the same political beliefs we do. Our neighbor that may or may not know Jesus. Our neighbor that may or may not have the same religious beliefs that we do. Our neighbor that may or may not come from the same background or socio-economic status. Our neighbor that may look a lot different than us.

That is how we heal. We lead with love and grace.

I heard something from an old podcast from Pastor Will Weedon the other week. (google him if you can! He has a wonderful daily podcast called "The Word of the Lord Endures Forever" that will help you get in some Bible devotion every day! He's just a joyful, very learned man. Trust me. You will love him!)

Anyhow, Pastor Weedon said this (and I think he was quoting someone else).

"Our good works are good because God forgives them."

There. Let that sink in for a minute.

I will say it again.

"Our good works are good because God forgives them."

In other words, we try to do good, but we know that even the good things we do get tainted by our sinful selves. Maybe our pride gets mixed up in the things we try to do for others. Or maybe we serve out of a sense of guilt. Or maybe we serve, but with a bitterness and grumbling and not with a cheerful heart. Maybe our motives are not pure.

But you know what? God still wants us to try, anyway. He can take our pathetic attempts and still bring them about for His good. 

I know that, on my own and left to my own devices, I cannot "Do Good". I cannot "Be The Good in the World." I am not good. But there is one who is good. And through Him and with His help, I know that I can do all things. 

Just a few thoughts on my heart this month.

Thanks for visiting the café today!