Monday, July 15, 2024

Michigan Celtic Faire


This weekend was the annual Michigan Celtic Faire, which is now being held at the Washtenaw County Fairgrounds. It was our first time visiting the fair since they moved it from its former location at Mill Pond Park here in Saline.

I will admit, I do miss the more picturesque setting of the park, with the Loch Ness monster floating in the water, the green grass and the trees. But I can see why the new location is a better fit, with more room for events like jousting, sheep herding, caber tossing, and corgi dog racing.

Lots of fun vendors to choose from!

Demonstrations on forging and wood carving...

Celtic dancers and musical performers...

Luke and Candi came to town for the event. We did get to it a little late, but it was so hot on Saturday and we were waiting for the temperatures to drop.

Sweet newlyweds!

Nest year, I will try to get there earlier to see more of the events. It was a fun way to spend a summer evening.

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