Friday, August 9, 2024

World Cross Stitch Day (and thoughts on the snail life)


Did you know that today is World Cross Stitch Day? I did a little stitching outside to celebrate.

This little snail has got me thinking about life and the slower pace my days have taken. Life is slow, life is good, and my days are filled with meaning and purpose. But they are not really blog-worthy.

Back when I started blogging more than a dozen years ago (maybe closer to fifteen? Yikes!), my life was pretty full and pretty crazy. The kids were growing and busy, we were moving every couple of years, and I was flipping houses. The blog was filled with lots of projects and Before and After photos of everything from rooms to gardens. Life was in a constant state of flux.

But since we moved back home to Michigan seven years ago, that has all changed. Slowly, steadily, we found a new rhythm. I began working from home. We began caring for our aging parents. Our kids all flew out of the nest. The kids are older. I am older. Even Jemma, the golden, is older.

Daily life still has its challenges, but for the most part, we are content with our quiet life.

I still love crafting and making things. I still love cooking and gardening. And I am loving my new dulcimer time. I plan on playing more in the future, and hope to visit some of the assisted care facilities and preschools to share my love of music.

But again, none of that is really blog worthy.

And to be honest, I rarely visit other blogs these days. That seems to be a trend that peaked long ago. Even online forums have become sparsely populated. 

I may pop in here on occasion, and it's possible that I will do a little more on Instagram. Maybe I will consider a newsletter somewhere down the line, if I have anything newsworthy to share.

I hope that you, too, will slow down and enjoy the beauty of ordinary days.

Thank you, friends, for visiting my café. It has meant so much to me over the years!

"...aspire to live quietly, and to mind your own affairs, and to work with your hands, as we instructed you, so that you may walk properly before outsiders and be dependent on no one."
1 Thessalonians 4:12

"...that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth." 1 Timothy 2:2-3


  1. I did NOT know today was World Cross Stitching Day (how did I not know that!)!!! I am doing some of that right now! I always love your posts, although I don't always comment, I have enjoyed them all!

  2. I've always enjoyed your blog too! We are on the same time-line. Don't go! M.L.

  3. I ALWAYS enjoy reading your blog and seeing what you are up to.

  4. Your blog is one of my favorites! I always learn something new. My husband and I are enjoying the quiet life now, too. It doesn't feel so quiet sometimes, though, what with our oldest getting married and it seems like one of the 3 girls always needs help moving somewhere!
    You've inspired me to try my hand at gardening. I'm going to start small and start with vegetables. I'm very practical and think my motivation will remain higher if I'm growing something useful to us.
    However often you decide to pop in, I will enjoy your blog posts!
